Endgame: Britain, Russia and the Final Struggle for Central Asia


By the early 1900s both Britain and Russia, suspicious of Imperial Germany, decided to stabilize their relations and replace their rivalry in Central Asia - the 'Great Game' - with rapprochement. But as Jennifer Siegel here demonstrates, reality in the field told a different story. The momentum of imperial rivalry, spiced by oil and railway development, could not be arrested and various interests on both sides continued to stoke the fire with increasing aggressiveness. By 1914 Britain and Russia were on the brink of war with each other to be saved only by the outbreak of World War I. This book is a groundbreaking and original study based on hitherto unseen archives in Moscow and St Petersburg, as well as original research in London.

Clausewitz summarised with examples from military history
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Atlas of Russo Turkish War of 1806-12: Part One. Military Operations in 1807.
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by Agha H Amin | Sep 10, 2023
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Atlas and Military History of India Pakistan Wars: Low Priced Black and White Edition
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Azad Kashmir Regiment Battalion Performance in 1971 War - A Brief Summary and Casualty Analysis
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German and American Views on ISI OF PAKISTAN

German and American Views on ISI OF PAKISTAN

by Agha H Amin | Oct 9, 2019
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Rome versus Carthage - Basic Atlas of Punic Wars: First Punic War
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Battle of Chamb 1971

Battle of Chamb 1971

by Agha H. Amin  | Jul 15, 2015
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Atlas of Russo Turkish Wars from 1676 TO 1918 Volume 5 Russo Turkish War of 1768-74
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Pakistan Army through eyes of Pakistani Generals
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